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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 24, Issue 4, pp. 833-1110

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Convexity of Solutions to Some Elliptic Partial Differential Equations

Antonio Greco and Giovanni Porru

pp. 833-839

One-Phase Riemann Problem and Wave Interactions in Systems of Conservation Laws of Mixed Type

Haitao Fan

pp. 840-865

Solitary Waves in a Two-Layer Fluid with Surface Tension

S. M. Sun and M. C. Shen

pp. 866-891

The Linear Shallow Water Theory: A Mathematical Justification

James A. Donaldson and Daniel A. Williams

pp. 892-910

Nonlinear Stability and Asymptotic Behavior of Shearing Motions of a Non-Newtonian Fluid

John A. Nohel and Robert L. Pego

pp. 911-942

Antiplane Shearing Motions of a Visco-Pastic Solid

J. M. Greenberg and Anne Nouri

pp. 943-967

A Geometric Singular Perturbation Analysis of Detonation and Deflagration Waves

I. Gasser and P. Szmolyan

pp. 968-986

Travelling Waves for Mutualist Species

Konstantin Mischaikow and Vivian Hutson

pp. 987-1008

Stability of Equilibria for a Class of Time-Reversible, $D_n \times O(2)$-Symmetric Homogeneous Vector Fields

I-Heng McCombtt and Chjan C. Limt

pp. 1009-1029

Unconditional Bases of Wavelets for Sobolev Spaces

Gustaf Gripenberg

pp. 1030-1042

Least Squares Approximation by Radial Functions

E. Quak, N. Sivakumar, and D. J. Ward

pp. 1043-1066

Estimates for Large Deviations in Random Trigonometric Polynomials

George Benke and W. J. Hendricks

pp. 1067-1085

Selberg Integrals and Hypergeometric Functions Associated with Jack Polynomials

Jyoichi Kaneko

pp. 1086-1110